Earlier in the month, while I was setting up my new 2022 Happy Planner I created a sheet of stickers with adorable gnome clipart and category titles that work better for me than some of the store-bought stickers I have in my stash. Of course, I shared a picture of them on social media,
and as with many of the items that I create for myself, I got feedback from friends that they would be interested in buying some if I made them for sale. If you ever read the about me section on my website, you will see this is how many of my product lines begin.
As I added these stickers to my Stationery section, alongside the wine journal, notecards, and magnetic bookmarks I already had listed, I thought about what a wide variety of items there are in my shop. Someone can order planner stickers to organize their week, while drinking a cup of coffee in one of my mugs, before they grab their handbag and key fob to head out the door to bring a custom gift to their friend's new baby.

It made me think about a creator's marketing workshop that I took a couple of years ago, where the "expert" insisted you should have a niche product to focus on. I do understand the benefit of excelling at one item, but that's not entirely what I bring to the table. If someone comes to me with a request, I'm going to try to make it happen. My goal is not just to make things that I enjoy, but to make things that people need. I will not always be successful, and this is where my business name, Joatmon, came from - Jack Of All Trades, Master Of None - but I want to try my best, as long as it's not completely outside of my wheelhouse. Even then, I still may give it a try only to realize it's just not going to be possible.
"This place has everything I need; I don't have to go anyplace else. It is a one stop shop!"
Each time I reflect on that advice to focus on one specialty, I am reminded of how I feel when I walk into a store and think "this place has everything I need; I don't have to go anyplace else. It is a one stop shop!" That isn't a bad thing, is it? Personally, it is a major convenience if I don't have to go to multiple places to get everything I need for a project, a gift, or a party. The only difference between me and that convenient shop-with-everything, is that I make 100% of the products you see for sale. Just this week, I got calls from customers for decals, mugs, dog collars, and ornaments. It is easy for them to go to one person, but also fun for me since I am not burning out doing the same thing over and over. That's a win-win for all, right?
I suppose you could say the Joatmon Creations niche is whatever you need at that time! I am that one stop shop.